Ported to android by developer Robert Chow ,Cadilacs and Dinosaurs is side scrolling beat em' up published by Capcom for the arcades. Based on the comic of the same title and then a subsequent Saturday morning cartoon , I haven't seen either but as the title dictates....it's gonna be some bad-ass shit. With about as much story as a porno, Cadilacs and Dinosaurs drudges through a near future dystopian city full of criminals, ancient prehistoric lizards and Caddys from the 1970's. You play as one of four varied in skill archaeologist to try and defend your garage/lad/research center from the criminals..or Dinos...both?
Caddy's and Dinos is very similar to Double Dragon or the Ninja Turtles Arcades, you move from left to right defeating lavishly dressed thugs that look an awful lot a like and at the end of each level you must destroy a thug that spends a little more time at the gym. To set itself apart from the droves of beat em up titles that were around in the 16-bit era, Capcom decides to throw in some Dinosaurs you can fight and full size family sedans to throw at them, and they sprinkle in a few automatic machine guns for good measure.Unlike most beat em ups this one has a very low difficulty level, I found myself beating the first five levels with only one continue on my first try, Those well versed in retro gaming know that this is a tremendous oddity.Each of the four characters has varied skills, two fast,one well balanced and the token tank character. But lets be honest ...imma pick the sexy lady character every time. My favorite parts are the couple of levels where you drive your Cadillac through hordes of enemies.
The game controls pretty good for being exclusively on the touch screen controls.Most of the time controls like these get in the way of the on screen action or are not responsive at all.

You could trade off a smaller screen too see everything(left) or a bigger screen but with a partial block some of the time(right). I played extensively with both and I gotta say, my pudgy thumbs rarely got in the way of anything important, making me prefer the widescreen option better. Both options have responsive controls and don't suffer the fate of shitty controls that most retro-to-android ports suffer from.
Most of this is sounding like business as usual as far as beat em up goes...and it is. But this is a very good beat em up and ranks up there on my top ten list of them, so it comes highly recommended to retrojunkies and arcade hounds.
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