Now before I go on I feel obliged to tell you that the next few bullet points are full if not completely spoilers. Just walk away knowing this, it is worth the price of admission at the theatre, but for those who read the comic books, the inaccuracies are very blaring and very hard to ignore. So go watch it, just remember that (after all) this is a movie and it won't compare to the source material. Now on to the damn thing. I'm gonna give this to you fast and quick with little to no foreplay Imma give you the good, imma give you the bad, and imma give you the nerdy about Iron Man 3.
- the setup was on point, building up that good ol suspense
- this is the funnier of the the three movies, Tony comes out of his shell and makes clever remarks any chance he gets
- truly action packed, lots of explosions, new creative action scenes, lots of fighing....did i mention a lot of shit blows up?
- it shows progression in the story, ie how tony has changed post Iron Man 2 and the Avengers
- the villians and plot points are very relavant to recent history and will have conspiricy theorist chomping at the bits to try and connect the dots, for an action movie it has a lot to say about our political state
- The Mandarin turns out to be a fraud, an actor pretending to be a terrorist front for the real villian wich turn out to be a mad scientist once again. Single handedly messingup Ironman's best arch nemesis, Ben Kinglsey was the perfect actor to play the Mandarin.
- The best action was showcased in the trailer
- Pepper Pot's spent very little time in the suit, it would have been cool to see her perform some Ironman shit
- The forced the Iron Patriot armor into the movie most likely because it looked cool, but in actuallity in the comic book continuation the suit is worn by Norman Osborne when he takes control over every facet in the Marvel universe
- They blended two different villians and did both very wrong, Aldrich would have been better by himslef, tying up the Extremis story arc that started in the first film very nicely, the Mandarin was a shit villian and aldrich was done half assed to fit in the bits about the Mandarin
- The the little bit after the credits that the Marvel movies are famous for was just filler, I was a bit angry that i waited for the credits to roll
- The name drops oh my, The Avengers, "Big guy with the hammer" all had me shreoking lik a school cat
- The fact that the event of the events that transpired in the Avengers had a negative effect on Tony, namely the part where he sees into another side of the universe and the impending doom that lays on the other side of the worm hole
- All the different variations of the armors, Silver centurion, throwback to 80s comic book suits, even one of the Iron Man Hulk buster suits, pretty awesome stuff
- the climactic scene in which Tony calls on the aforementioned armory of suits to kick some Extremis ass
- Aldrich's monologue in which he says, " you don't get it... I am the Mandarin" could mean that he was the one who made up the Mandarin perosna that Ben Kinglsey plays or it could mean that Aldrich was possesed by the Chinese wizard the entire time. Its a stretch but the Mandarin has been known to do that in the comics, also play close attention to the last fight between Iron Man and Aldrich...the markings that are seen on Aldrich look a lot like dragons....scratch that, those are dragons painted on his burning body
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