Going back and watching the films of Stanley Kubrick I always found myself perplexed, not knowing exactly what I had just got down watching. Movies like A Clockwork Orange,2001; a Space Odyssey, and Eyes Wide Shut always seem to have an undertone that delves into the realm of the macabre, conspiracy theory and other weird shit that you delve into late into the night under a bare lightbulb while click clacking away at a typewriter. Most of Kubrick's filmography have abrupt endings, the protagonist lack any real sense of closure...at least in the conventional film sense. You experience a set of finely tuned images, put in precise points to convey a certain emotion or an underlying theme that most of his film have, terrible tragedy, the looming past, and an overwhelming sense that there is something there...right beneath the curtain, Kubrick seems to allude to a greater evil, ever vigilant in its slight of hand ways.
Room 237, is a documentary that delves into the aforementioned subliminal messages. More specifically the messages in the film which is arguably Kubrick's magnum opus; The Shining. Following its '80 release, The Shining was followed by bad reviews, citing that it was hardly a horror movie and that it tossed aside the incredible source material. But still...certain people remained awestruck, noticing small clues left by Kubrick as to what the movie was really about. Room 237 interviews a handful of these people, and let me tell you this gets all kinds of bat shit crazy, getting into genocide, Freudian topics, and even the faking of the '69 moon landing. Most of this would have you signing this off as a paranoid hour long special that plague basic cable, but no. These points are backed up by some well thought out theories and observations that have been rattling in these peoples brains the 1980 release of The Shining. The selling point for me was the breakdown of certain key scenes in the film, every little detail meticulously planned by the grand master himself. Like most of the initial reviews I thought that the film was lacking in the horror department, but the analysis of the film changed that at least with me...the subliminal message kinda creeped me out, they slipped under my radar...now they are blaring. Room 237 changed the way I look at Kubrick's Films and movies in general.
This is movie should be watched by Kubrick fans yes...but more importantly by those of you who love films and have any remote interest in becoming a filmmaker.
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