Mad Monkey Kung Fu starts off with a obligatory style showcasing that Shaw Bros are famous for. Monkey Fist style is one of the more fluid and comical styles of fighting, Chen and his sister perform this style at the local theatre... naturally it draws the attention of the local hood leader, Boss Tuan. Tuan then tricks the monkey master and his sister into having dinner with him, through his trickery...and booze, he manages to frame Chen for seducing his lady. Punishment is crippling of his precious hands and the enslavement of Chen's s sister as Boss Taun's concubine. Chen forgets about his Monkey Style and takes to the streets as a street performer. On the streets, he takes a young pickpocket named Monkey under his wing. I know what you're saying now...surely Monkey will have no interest in learning the masters forgotten MONKEY style. Well you would be wrong and stupid...frankly I am surprised you can read this article.

The story does pick up mid-movie, making a smooth transition from comical to dramatic, a move seldom made seamlessly as this. Killing of innocent monkeys can to that plot line. The revenge aspect takes center stage but the gags that were there from the get remain all the way through, adding small notes of rose to a very dark story.
My only gripe with the flick, mind you it's not a big one, is that the other styles take back seat to monkey fist style...I would like to at least see one style that acted as it's direct opposite, guess there wasn't enough room for just one more tired Kung Fu tired trope.
In spite of its lack of variety, Mad Monkey Kung Fu comes recommended to all because of the choreography and comedy stylings of Lau Kar Leung...Mad Monkey Kung Fu is heavy on the fighting, light on the fighting styles.
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